
Recently we see people shooting 360-degree panorama images at sightseeing spots. We can simulate the location with 360-degree panorama image. However, with such a convenient tool, will we not be deprived of imagining what kind of place it is? So I take blurry photographs on purpose and try to stretch our imagination.


In this project, I used a “shaking amplification device.” I invented this device for accidental photography. I think accidents are one of the important factors in photography. At popular sightseeing spots, people take stereotypical pictures, like they’ve seen in other places. But this device can’t be controlled easily, and I can take unpredictable pictures.

The purpose of this project isn’t to take perfect pictures, but to rely on accidents to create more imaginative pictures.


Tokyo Metropolitan Government Tower (Shinjuku)


T-shirts (Harajuku)


Hachiko Statue (Shibuya)


Shibuya Crossing (Shibuya)


Tokyo Sky Tree (Asakusa)



At first, I was shooting blurry photos with my own hands. But even in that case, the movement of the camera can be controlled, and the image becomes intentional. So I invented this device. With this device, the camera hangs from three rubber bands. The point of this style is to suitably mix intention and accident.


Shaking amplification device

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